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Branch Church Membership Now
Many who sincerely love Christian Science think from time to time of joining a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, but that is as far as they go. They only think about it. They may think that at some future date they will be more worthy of such membership and that then their knowledge of Science will have so increased that they will be better members. Or they may think that they are not strong enough to uphold the standard of Christian Science.
Some people do have valid reasons for delaying for a time their membership in The Mother Church or in a branch church. For example, one may have a seemingly tenacious habit, such as smoking or drinking, which needs to be eliminated from his experience. Such obstacles can be surmounted as one trusts God as All-in-all and realizes the powerlessness of the mesmeric error that would attempt to keep an earnest seeker of Truth from taking a progressive step in his demonstration of true being. The honest desire for purity and progress, together with a greater love for Christian Science, will do much to win an earnest student's release from the belief that any unwholesome habit is satisfying or in any way desirable.
Mrs. Eddy provides for all earnest students of Christian Science the privilege and blessing of membership in The Mother Church, the Church she established through her sincere prayers and earnest endeavors. But she also provides for branch churches to be established. One's support of these branches offers a more direct and personal participation in church activity.
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August 26, 1967 issue
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You and Your Social Responsibility
In Need of a Star
Youth: A Problem or a Power?
Success in Sports
Branch Church Membership Now
The Question of Premarital Sex
What Is Man?
The "rapid strides" of Youth
Helen Wood Bauman
No Chemical Shortcut to Inspiration
Alan A. Aylwin
While I was away at college, a friend accidentally slammed a door...
David Stuart Brown
"O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy...
L. Kathryn Harvey
I should like to relate a healing which took many weeks but...
M. Constance Halderman
Although I was reared in Christian Science, my appreciation...
Vicki Christine Punnett with contributions from Jessie Bard Miller
It was with much joy that I saw Christian Science heal a mental...
Katharine Foster Galloway with contributions from Ola Mundy Foster
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Abraham J. Heschel, C. Northcote Parkinson