Signs of the Times

Standard Register Leader

The Reverend Silas Torvend Bethel Lutheran Church, Cupertino in the Standard Register Leader Sunnyvale, California

The world we live in today is filled with anxieties, frustrations, tears and hope. . . . We are confronted with political, social and moral problems of increasing proportions. . . . We hear it asked. "What is the church doing to solve these problems?" . . .

The manner in which the church approaches these problems has been ill-conceived by some people. The church is not a political body that speaks the views of religious people, as some would like to make it. The church's mission is to restore man to a right relationship with God and through that reconciliation bring about a transformation in his life that will not only make him a better and more useful citizen, but enable him to bring his witness to bear in the society where he lives. The church believes that man's troubles lie in not being rightly related to God and that in order to cure society's problems you must begin with the individual.

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September 24, 1966

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