While I was eating a piece of fish one day a bone became lodged...

While I was eating a piece of fish one day a bone became lodged in my throat. I was in great distress and discomfort, but I remember asking myself, "What is this?" And the answer came clearly: "It is fear. In fact, it is panic, and what have I to do with that?" The choking stopped immediately, and a great and joyful sense of peace came as I realized that, as God's image and likeness, man cannot experience panic.

A member of the family, who is not a Christian Scientist, kindly suggested that it might be well to have a neighborhood doctor remove the bone, but I said, more or less to myself," 'This truth removes properly whatever is offensive.'"

At his startled, "What did you say?" I realized that I had been repeating to myself, or at least unconsciously holding to, that potent statement of Mrs. Eddy's on page 463 of Science and Health: "A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive."

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Testimony of Healing
My parents enrolled me in a Christian Science Sunday School...
June 25, 1966

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