In 1948 a very dear friend of...

In 1948 a very dear friend of mine told me for the first time of Christian Science. She herself had just found it; and she wrote in a letter that through the grace of God she had learned of this religion, and she thought it was the best gift she could ever give me. At that time I was a lonely person, full of self-pity and suffering from an inferiority complex, and very much in need of what I eventually found Science had to offer. I was living in Vienna, Austria, and so I went to the Church of Christ, Scientist, there and attended a Wednesday evening testimony meeting. I liked the service very much, but I thought afterward, '"This is very nice, but what have I to do with it?" I was not yet ready then to accept Christian Science. But about a year later, I was.

At that time I was working for my mother's firm as a representative and was on a month's tour, traveling in Austria. I was a beginner in that business and did not find the job easy, but I did well until I came to the Tirol. There I did no business at all, and I had to decide whether to break up the trip or not.

I felt very low in spirit as everything seemed to have gone wrong. So I went into a little village church and sat down in the back row and cried. And then I must have really prayed for the first time, "Father, help me, I cannot go on alone."

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude...
February 12, 1966

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