Demonstrating Our Relationship to God

There is a difference between our relationship to mathematical truth and our relationship to divine Truth. Mathematical truth is unmerciful. If we err in applying it, we suffer the full consequences of our error. But divine Truth is God, and God is our Father-Mother Love. Love always provides us with the wisdom and the ability to correct the error. And when it is corrected, we are forgiven.

This is not to underestimate the self-destroying action of error. Because Truth is All, error is nothing, and error's action can only result in error's destroying its claim to reality. The failure to apply the truths of perfect God and of His perfect reflection, man, to any human situation is an error which can result only in one's experiencing some of what is happening to error. We call it suffering. If the error is not corrected, this suffering will continue and may even cause the one who has committed the error to believe he is being destroyed. Through Christian Science we can know our relationship to God well enough to utilize our God-given wisdom and ability to correct the error and thereby escape suffering and seeming destruction.

Our relationship with the divine Principle is an intimate one. All of us individually are in reality spiritual ideas of the one Principle, Love. It is in this way alone that God knows us. He does not know us as the material mortals we may believe ourselves to be. But because mercy is one of the attributes of Principle, we experience humanly His knowledge of us and His care of us as spiritual ideas in proportion to our love for and devotion to Him.

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"Wait on the Lord"
January 29, 1966

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