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In 1929 I suddenly became ill...
In 1929 I suddenly became ill and had to discontinue work. A medical examination revealed that I had dropsy and a heart condition. The doctor gave me no hope for recovery. I was not a student of Christian Science, but I had attended Wednesday evening testimony meetings in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist. I felt this Science could help me: so I contacted the First Reader of this church, and he recommended that I see a Christian Science practitioner.
I called one, and she came to my home. She talked to me about Christian Science and dwelt on love and right motives. This kind of talk seemed foreign to me. I was only interested in my physical healing so that I could go back to work. I was not receiving any medical treatment; so the practitioner came daily, and I learned of God and of the necessity of doing His will.
When I was alone, I turned to God, and in my immature understanding of Him asked why He had forsaken me. Then the thought came, "You hate." I would cry out, "Yes, I hate but what has that got to do with my healing?" You see, I had been hating, but somehow I felt I had the right to do so. I was jealous of and hated my stepdaughter.
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October 2, 1965 issue
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A Lesson from the Master
Gentle Emergence
"My brother's keeper"
Persistence in the Right Direction
The Certainty of Man's Immortality
A College Student Writes
Margaret Hovenden Ogden
Correcting Through Healing
Helen Wood Bauman
Overcoming Alcoholism
Carl J. Welz
In 1929 I suddenly became ill...
Gertrude Thomas
While I was in my twenties, a...
Samuel Oswald
Christian Science is the greatest...
Valeska Drexel
Our beloved Leader has enjoined...
Dorothy M. Garver
Over thirty year ago Christian Science...
Jean G. Badgett
What a joy it is to find a familiar...
Jeannette Libbers
The earnest reliance on Christian Science...
Margaret Emma Warre
Signs of the Times
James W. Hoffman