A world startled and dazed
By ravages of man-evolved decree,
Believing woes and tyrannies to be
An inescapable tribulation
To be borne,
With short-time consolation
In its fleeting joys—
Is this to be accepted?

Can a good God intend
His children to depend
On such infamous emptiness?
Who sent His Son,
His much-loved Son,
Armed with the truth and all the spiritual power
The Father can upon His children shower?

Within each one of us there lies
The spark—the candle lighted by His hand.
The deep desire to know and understand
The Life divine.
The growing impetus to fan the spark
Urges us on until the dark
And ugly nightmare vanishes.
The flame.
Steady and bright.
Cleanses and purifies
Till the command,
"Let there be light!"
Is consummated,
And Father and son
Are seen at one.

Barbara Dix Henderson

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Fullness of Joy
November 28, 1964

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