During my school days I decided...

During my school days I decided that it would be proper for me to become a clergyman of the Protestant denomination of which I was then a member. This decision was made after I had consulted with some of my older friends who were interested and who approved the idea. I studied with this purpose in view for a number of years.

However, during these years of study I gradually realized that my conception of God was very vague and that instead of learning more clearly of Him and of the kingdom of heaven, I was becoming less able to define these terms to my own satisfaction. I knew that if I could not define them for myself, I could not define them for others. Eventually, with sorrow and reluctance I gave up my purpose. A few years later I entered our military service, and I was commissioned a second lieutenant of infantry in 1904.

However, I did not give up my mental search for an answer to my question of what life should mean to me. I continued trying to find an acceptable conception of God and of His creation. Before the first World War, I learned of Christian Science and began its study. In this Science I have found the solution to all my problems. In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy defines a present, living, and demonstrable creator of the universe and man, which has become established in my consciousness and has displaced the erroneous picture of a distant God to be known only after death, the concept of God I had tried so hard to worship.

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Testimony of Healing
In gratitude to patient and loving...
February 2, 1957

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