The law of attraction is a law of Spirit, attracting us always to the things of Spirit. Whatever draws thought to matter or materiality is not attraction but some form of animal magnetism. When once he realizes that man is the offspring of God, divine Mind, that man has a spiritual origin, an indestructible life, and an immortal destiny, the student of Christian Science will quit the basis of animal magnetism, and find all attraction to be in Spirit. In this realm man is governed by law, order, and love.

Nothing real rests upon the frail and false basis of animal magnetism. Man is not the victim of its beliefs. He understands and knows that the laws of God are good and that God is the only lawmaker. In its practical application in human affairs this truth heals the sick, for since the law of God is good and man is controlled by this law, it logically follows that he cannot be separated from the power of divine law, which is his natural attraction.

In John ( 1:4) we read, "In him was life; and the life was the light of men."Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, reveals the function of God's laws as they apply to man where she writes(No and Yes, p. 11), "Man has perpetual individuality; and God's laws, and their intelligent and harmonious action, constitute his individuality in the Science of Soul."

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September 11, 1954

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