pages of our inspired textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, are replete with spiritual guides directing individual thought to the freedom and dominion befitting us all as sons and daughters of God.
is not uncommon for one uninstructed in the teaching of the Science of Mind-healing to ask what constitutes a Christian Science treatment or to question why the prayers of Christian Scientists prove to be efficacious when his own prayers have failed to bring about the desired results.
A bird
to whom the Father gave one songsings it repeatedly the whole day long!Shall I to whom the Father gave songs manygo hide them in the earth and sing not any?
went to the Christian Science Sunday School, and so, of course, he had been taught the Ten Commandments and had learned that Moses received them from God.
Membership in The Mother Church, together with membership in one of its branches, affords opportunity for participation in the worldwide healing and redemptive work of Christian Science, as provided for by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy.
Officers of branch churches and individuals who have occasion to correspond with The Christian Science Board of Directors, with the Clerk and the Treasurer of The Mother Church, and with the heads of departments of The Mother Church Offices are requested always to place their addresses on their letters and to write their signatures plainly.
The Mother Church has received reports that quiet study rooms established by a number of Christian Science Organizations on college campuses are proving to be most helpful.
I took up the study of Christian Science to get a better understanding of the Bible, thinking that if I could apply its teachings as Christian Scientists do, I would have something worth working for.
Although I had been a member of an orthodox church for years and had been active in various phases of church work, when Christian Science was presented to me I knew it was the kind of religion I had always wanted.
When quite a young woman I became very ill with what the medical profession called a dangerous fever arising from a congestion of several organs of the body.
Although I attended a Christian Science Sunday School from an early age and had many healings through the loving help of my mother or a practitioner, it was not until I was established in my own home that I really commenced a persistent study of the truths revealed by our religion.
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