Several years ago the mesmeric...

Several years ago the mesmeric arguments of animal magnetism seemed to overwhelm me. In this dark hour I prayed most earnestly to understand the mission of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and to demonstrate divine Love. I found Mrs. Eddy's poem "Christ and Christmas" illumined, each word and picture bringing out great spiritual significance and inspiration. The nature of the Christ began to dawn, and God's angels, or messages of Truth, were near. I am grateful for the help at that time of a consecrated Christian Science practitioner who helped me to see that animal magnetism is impersonal.

Some time later I suffered a series of severe heart attacks. This time I asked for no help from a practitioner, but with each attack I listened for God's angel message, and it never failed to come to me in such a form as I could understand. When fear seemed almost insurmountable these words comforted me (Jer. 31:3): "I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with Iovingkindness have I drawn thee." When I sank into unconsciousness I revived with this message in my thought (Isa. 60:1): "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."

During this period I was constantly having to make a choice between material sense, with its frightening suggestions, and spiritual sense, and I chose daily and hourly the spiritual sense of life rather than the mortal sense. I did not doubt, for I knew that I was not alone. Soon great joy came to me. The attacks ceased, and I was completely healed. I gained something from this great test. It did not leave me where it found me, for I learned that Soul cannot be divided and that Mind is one.

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Testimony of Healing
In the Manual of The Mother Church...
June 20, 1953

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