No one can ascend higher in the scale of existence than his obedience to Principle takes him. And obedience to divine Principle, God, requires that one's motives be always to do what is right rather than what personal inclination might dictate. If what is good for one is good for all, it is equally true that what is wrong for one is wrong for all; and any action taken from less than the highest and most honest motives starts a chain of erroneous developments.

"Let God's will be done!" may well be interpreted to mean, Let the highest good be accomplished! But to let the divine will be done one needs to understand both God and man, needs to recognize God, infinite good, as the creative Principle of all reality and man, God's image, as inseparable from Him. Christian Science reveals that Principle is one all-embracing, supersensible Mind and that Mind's creation is made up of an infinitude of spiritual ideas, with man the highest idea of all. Ideas are necessarily controlled by the Mind that conceives and sustains them. Because this is true, God's government of His creation is enforced. No idea can withdraw from obedience to the Mind whose very knowing gives it existence. The idea can only reflect its source. It has no volition of its own. Identifying himself as God's idea rather than the personally-minded mortal he seems to be, the Christian Scientist makes obedience to Principle a matter of joyous scientific demonstration.

Divine Principle acts through immortal law to govern its universe, and Christian Science designates divine law as the intelligent energy that is God's will, changeless in wisdom, unfailing in mercy. The will of God invariably produces the highest good because Principle is Love as well as Mind, and Love alone can outline or even fathom perfection.

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May 9, 1953

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