Two physicians and a heart specialist...

Two physicians and a heart specialist diagnosed my case as an incurable heart condition, and I was told that I would never be able to live an active, normal life again and that I must resign myself to semi-invalidism. After three years of this condition I came very close to both mental and physical collapse.

One day a Christian Scientist visited me and found me in the depths of despair. She told me that health and activity are gifts from God, that He does not send disease and inactivity to His beloved children, and that because this is true I could be healed. My thoughts were brought into new and spiritual channels, and in about one hour I was completely healed. When my nurse returned from an errand a little later, she exclaimed about the change that had come over me. A great change it was, and "in a twinkling"! All medicines were destroyed at once, for I understood that it was the Christ, Truth, that had healed me.

I began to study the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly and to attend a branch church, which, about a year later, I joined. Many fears and false beliefs have been corrected as Truth continues to light my happy way. There has been no return of the disease, and I have had a healthful and active life ever since.

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Testimony of Healing
Twenty-seven years ago I was...
May 19, 1951

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