Class instruction in Christian Science...

Class instruction in Christian Science so awakened me to the joy which comes with the demonstration of this Science that I cannot longer delay in expressing my gratitude through the periodicals. In the words of a hymn, I desire to "share Thy joy and spend it freely."

I attended the Sunday School from the age of three until I was twenty. The teaching I received there was truly an inspiration to me, and with the help of my mother, or a practitioner, I experienced many healings. About the time I was in high school, I saw that I could not grow in my understanding of Christian Science unless I demonstrated it for myself.

One evening when I had symptoms of a severe cold, I went to my room and contemplated Mrs. Eddy's statement in Science and Health (p. 207): "There is but one primal cause. Therefore there can be no effect from any other cause, and there can be no reality in aught which does not proceed from this great and only cause." I saw the truth of that statement very clearly and knew that I could manifest only perfection because God is perfect. Soon I fell asleep, and I awakened the next morning free.

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Signs of the Times
October 21, 1950

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