Mary Baker Eddy exposed the impersonal nature of evil, she made it possible for the human race to progress toward full liberation from bondage to a false, sinful sense of existence.
is the idea of Spirit; he reflects the beatific presence, illuming the universe with light," writes Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures".
A pure,
sweet calm of restful silence cameTo hold my thought, and from the dome a glowAs soft as moonbeams wrapped me in the sameDeep love the Master gave to friend and foe.
throughout human history has there been a call for decisive action; every crisis has demanded the recognition and avowal of the supremacy of right.
A ten-year-old
boy who was a Christian Scientist had occasion to apply the teachings of this Science to a discordant physical condition that was troubling him.
The Trustees under the "Will of Mary Baker Eddy announce the publication of a new edition of "Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, to be known as the Students' Edition.
Christian Science treatment from authorized Christian Science Workers is available, without charge, to veterans in government hospitals who are interested in Christian Science.
One of the visitors to the Reading Room, on returning a loan library book of Mary Baker Eddy's writings, said she thought she would devote more time for a few months to the reading of the Christian Science periodicals, and so would not be borrowing another copy of our Leader's writings.
Leonora W. Ritzman
with contributions from Virginia Atherton
When Christian Science was presented to me nineteen Years ago, I felt it was an answer to prayer, for I had prayed long and earnestly for light on the perplexities of life.
I want to express my sincere gratitude for God's Word and for our beloved Leader's unselfed love and the tireless devotion which she gave to her study of the Bible, in order that she might bring to all a clearer understanding of God and His creation.
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