many closely reasoned passages in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy deals with the question of the unreality of matter.
you have at some time seemed to suffer from the evil thoughts and acts of others because you have allowed a fear of them to abide in your consciousness.
order to demonstrate the teachings of Christian Science it is necessary to accept as a fundamental truth the fact that God is infinite Spirit, Love, the only cause and creator.
Applications for membership in The Mother Church are acted upon by The Christian Science Board of Directors, twice each year, as provided for by the Manual of The Mother Church, Article XIII, Section 2.
The Sentinel of May 29, 1943, carried an invitation to members of The Mother Church, and particularly librarians, to contribute, from time to time, helpful, healing experiences in our Reading Rooms.
wish to express my gratitude for the sustaining power of divine Love, which was taught and practiced by Christ Jesus, and is today available to all through the understanding of Christian Science.
After being away from office work for several years because of a breakdown, I was, with the help of a faithful Christian Science practitioner, sufficiently restored to take my place again in the business world.
Gratitude to God for the joyousness and peace of mind which have been mine since I began to study Christian Science prompts me to take advantage of the gracious way provided for expressing one's appreciation through the periodicals.
Jessie M. Williams
with contributions from Lee Williams
About twenty years have passed since my testimony appeared in the Sentinel, and I feel I must again express my gratitude to God through the periodicals for the added blessings that I have received through Christian Science.
My heart overflows with gratitude to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for the wonderful Truth that she has given to the world, and for the many blessings I have experienced through the study of Christian Science.
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