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Convincing testimonies are welcome. They should be to the point, making it clear that the writer has been healed in Christian Science. Vivid pictures of injuries or of suffering are to be avoided. Each testimony should be verified by three members of The Mother Church who know of the healing or can vouch for the testifier. In lieu thereof his affidavit will suffice, though he should, if possible, also submit verification from one or two members. Complete addresses of the testifier and his vouchers should accompany the testimony.
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August 29, 1942 issue
View Issue-
Dwelling in Safety
"Not of this world"
Supporting Our Church Services
Man's Identity
Liberation of the World
The Proof That Is Essential
Class Instruction
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Active Rest
Evelyn F. Heywood
"How that the blind see, ... the deaf hear"
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Marius John, Thomas Alan Cooper, Hubert L. Bills, John W. E. Gilhespy, Marie R. Wootten
A Christian Science period in...
"Columbia West Coast Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System, by Earl A. Jacobs,
Christian Science is founded on...
Mrs. Eve Mortimer,
For twenty years, up to 1927, I...
Henriet Feldman
It is with joy that I testify to...
Sarah Shotwell
Christian Science brought me...
Henry Allen Nichols
I consider it my duty to express...
Marie Mahler-Doucet
All my life I had been religiously...
Elizabeth S. Murray
Overflowing gratitude to God...
Katheryn Llewellyn McCord
I welcome this opportunity to...
Edith S. Michelson
I became interested in Christian Science...
Wilhelmina Jewell
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Clayton E. Wheat, Merchant Navy, Cedric Adams, O. K. Armstrong, Charles A. Wells