world has heard much in the present era of what is called a high standard of living, the expression being applied to the conditions regarded as essential to maintaining a person or class in an accepted status.
as they view events in the material world, Christian Scientists are increasingly grateful to their Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, who not only was spiritually minded enough to receive the great revelation of Truth, but who also had the love and courage to labour until she could present it in a form available for all to use.
thoughtful reader of the Bible finds in the first chapter of John's Gospel a convincing statement as to the appearing of Christ, Truth, and the spiritual origin of man.
poet's line, 'Order is heaven's first law,' is so eternally true, so axiomatic, that it has become a truism; and its wisdom is as obvious in religion and scholarship as in astronomy or mathematics," writes Mrs.
straight and narrow way referred to in Scripture is the way of undeviating mental, moral, and spiritual rectitude, the divinely intelligent way in which there is no backsliding, no discouragement, no failure to stand for and achieve what is right.
A psychiatrist
connected with a well-known medical school was recently quoted by a New York newspaper as having pointed to hate and fear as contributory causes of a certain type of respiratory disease frequently regarded by doctors of medicine as difficult to cure.
Committees on Information Regarding Christian Science Benevolent Association Sanatoriums have been appointed by more than half of the branch churches and Christian Science Societies in the United States and Canada, and by some overseas.
For years I had been satisfied with the theory, held by certain leading psychologists, that Christian Science was merely a form of healing brought about by self-mesmerism, but when I saw the regenerating influence of a healing on the life of a friend, I realized that this must be a religion with power, and I was ready to read the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs, Eddy, without prejudice.
One of the richest experiences that has come into my life, during the many years I have been a student of Christian Science, was a sojourn over two years ago at our beautiful Benevolent Association Sanatorium at Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.
I am very grateful for the many proofs of God's protecting care which I have experienced in the years I have known Christian Science, and I feel I must give my testimony.
all the pictures on the sacred page,Painted in words whose colors never pall,Replete with love to youth and hoary age,To me the sweetest is, he healed them all.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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