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A Lesson from Ham
While reading the narrative of Noah and his sons, contained in the ninth chapter of Genesis, a student was impressed by the difference in the attitude of one son and that of his two brothers in respect to the father's sin. These verses were reread several times with the question, "Why was Ham cursed, and why were his brothers blessed?" Finally the answer came, "Because Ham saw the evil as real and went out to tell it to others, thus magnifying the sin in his own thinking." Mark the different attitude of the two brothers Shem and Japheth. Their refusal to admit the evil into their thinking brought a blessing. Is it to be wondered that Noah blessed them? Would not anyone bless a friend who took steps to protect him from the mesmerism of pleasure in evil? And many at some time in the journey from sense to Soul need such protection.
Through his obedience to God, Noah had saved himself and his family from the flood, and yet afterward, momentarily at least, had succumbed to a false appetite. Malicious mesmerism may attempt to bring about the downfall of one who has succeeded in some large project, or has been successful in overcoming some error through Christian Science healing. The attempt is to overthrow good wherever it is expressed. Perhaps the first flush of some victory leaves thought unguarded, and aggressive suggestion, operating, it may be, through some unhealed trait, enters consciousness.
In "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 134) Mrs. Eddy says: "To triumph in truth, to keep the faith individually and collectively, conflicting elements must be mastered. Defeat need not follow victory. Joy over good achievements and work well done should not be eclipsed by some lost opportunity, some imperative demand not yet met."
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October 16, 1937 issue
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Acquiring Balance
All in Due Time
Sickness Is a Mistaken Belief about Man
A Lesson from Ham
Motives and Methods
On the King's Highway
In your issue of April 5 a report is published of a sermon...
Robert Q. Grant, Committee on Publication for the State of Arizona,
In your issue of January 21 there appears a letter containing...
Miss Ethel Walters, Committee on Publication for Dorset, England,
To the criticism that "Christian Science is neither Science...
A correction by Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for Alabama, read over Station WMFO,
According to a press despatch which appeared in the...
James W. Fulton, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Obedience and Its Reward
Duncan Sinclair
Indestructible Substance
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from D. Mathilde, Jacob Gottlieb, Dale Dudley Coyle, Howard Judson Parker
Over three years ago we were living in the southern...
Elisabethe Baconnier
I have a yearning to express my thanks to God for a...
Mary B. McFeeters
When I was a small child, a copy of the Christian Science...
Mabel A. Frohbach
Out of gratitude for the blessings which I have been...
Paul Büchel-Meier
It is with absolute sincerity and a heart full of gratitude...
Edna J. Wadsworth with contributions from James A. Wadsworth
It has long been my desire to send a testimony to our...
Leslie Burn Andreae with contributions from Muriel S. Andreae
The study and application of Christian Science have given...
Lillie Grote Gibson
Blessed Are They
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Robert Freeman, J. L. Newland