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I am grateful that Christian Science has come into my...
I am grateful that Christian Science has come into my life, for it has taught me that the truth contained in the Scriptures and spiritually interpreted in Science and Health by our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, is the staff upon which Christ Jesus leaned so trustingly. I have found that to be true after proving for myself the frailty of every material staff. When I apply this truth I find that erroneous conditions are overcome.
I should like to tell of a healing which took place over ten years ago. When I was stricken I asked for a Christian Science practitioner. A member of my family was opposed, and said I must also have a doctor. Of course, the practitioner withdrew. That was the beginning of two years of suffering; during that time chiropractors, osteopaths, a masseur, a hypnotist, two physicians, and a surgeon were employed. At the end of two years complications set in, and they could do nothing for me. I felt I was passing on and prayed that I should, in order, as I thought, to be free of my suffering. A student of Christian Science came to the hospital and asked this member to try Science. He was told it had been tried. He recommended trying it again, as he knew that this member had now seen the futility of material aid. This friend, with my family's consent, went to a practitioner. She started work at two o'clock in the afternoon. At 3 a.m. I fell into a sound sleep, the first in months. At 7 a.m. I was awakened by the voices of my nurses and I was without pain. I asked for solid food, although I had been fed on soft foods and canned baby foods during most of those two years. The nurse quickly thrust the thermometer into my mouth and took the pulse count, looked at me strangely, and left the room to call the surgeon. After he had taken the pulse count and temperature, he asked me, as he tapped a copy of Science and Health that was beside my bed, "Do you believe in this?" I replied that I did. And he said, "Well, I guess it's all right, for you are going to stage the biggest comeback I have ever witnessed in my professional career." But both he and a bowel specialist tried to attach material laws upon me regarding types of food that I could and could not eat for at least a year, and perhaps never. I had all those foods served on my table at home in three weeks, ate them without any harmful results, and I have never had a return of that difficulty.
I have had many other healings, for which I am very grateful to God, to Christ Jesus, and to our dear Leader, whose vision was big enough to embrace the world and awaken men to their true relationship to God. I am grateful for membership in The Mother Church, also in a branch church, and for the blessed privilege of teaching in the Sunday school.
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January 9, 1937 issue
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Economy and Recovery
Mother-Love in Government
"Earth's preparatory school"
"All the land which thou seest"
Always Forward
Independent Thinking
Be Still
In your leading article in the Truth Teller of July 22, in...
Lyman S. Abbott, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Anybody who has the least knowledge of this religion...
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
Your issue of March 25 last contained a news item from...
Ernest L. Buchanan, Committee on Publication for the Province of Manitoba, Canada,
In reply to an extract from an article by a bishop which...
Gordon William Flower, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
Our Moral Responsibility
Duncan Sinclair
"Unwinding one's snarls"
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Stanley S. Turner, Essie L. Greeley, John T. Curlett, Ann C. Sayles
Christian Science has given much to me; and I wish to...
Roger H. Evans
My daughter, ten years of age, and I have been studying...
Miriam L. Anderson
From one who has received so many blessings through...
Florine Kahn Manheim
With my first contact with Christian Science, I was impressed...
Howard A. Foote
I am grateful that Christian Science has come into my...
Lucille Ward Smith
A good lesson to be learned in Christian Science is how...
Alexandro Vrabiesco
My Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Orien W. Fifer, W. H. Elliott, Herbert Scott, J. C. McLean-Bell, John F. Scott, Paul C. Warren