seems evident that the human family quite generally is engaged in striving to recover from some loss, dislocation, or abnormal condition, related to possessions, position, health, harmony, social or economic status.
would seem to be individuals who like to be dictated to; they will avoid making a decision or following a definite line of action, and will gladly shift their responsibilities to the shoulders of anyone who shows inclination to carry this burden or to lead them along some particular road.
many times we prolong painful human experiences and delay the complete solution of our problems through failure to go forward and prove by our actions our confidence in the truth we declare.
the earthquake and the fire, The storms of temper and self-will,The gusts of passion and desire, Teach me to listen and be still,
Lyman S. Abbott, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
In your leading article in the Truth Teller of July 22, in which a celebrated criminal lawyer tells what he thinks of allopathy, occurs a statement which may be misleading to some of your readers, and I shall therefore appreciate space in your publication to correct it.
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
Anybody who has the least knowledge of this religion knows that Christian Scientists do not use material means for healing, but heal exclusively through prayer; and there are thousands who can attest that the healing power of enlightened prayer is as effective today as in the time of the early Christians.
Gordon William Flower, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
In reply to an extract from an article by a bishop which appeared in your paper, allow me to say that there is much to gain and nothing to lose by doing justice to Christian Science and its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy.
to the infinite source of our being,Faith is ascending, triumphant, today;Bright are its visions of God, ever present,Lifting our thought from the clod and the clay.
Sunday morning services are held in the following state penal institutions: Sing Sing Prison, Clinton Prison, Auburn Prison, Bedford Hills Reformatory.
some cases it seems difficult to shake off a lingering sense of regret for wrong done in the past, or else to efface the mental scars of resentment for wrong endured.
My daughter, ten years of age, and I have been studying and applying Christian Science for about three years, and many healings have taken place during this period, for which we are very grateful.
From one who has received so many blessings through the study and practice of Christian Science this testimony goes forth with a great desire to help others who may be struggling to overcome discordant conditions, whether they be of sin or disease.
I am grateful that Christian Science has come into my life, for it has taught me that the truth contained in the Scriptures and spiritually interpreted in Science and Health by our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, is the staff upon which Christ Jesus leaned so trustingly.
wondrous inner flame that lights my way,That guards my every faltering step and guides,That ever in my heart of hearts abides,And gives me rest and comfort day by day.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws This additional printing of branch church data is to be provided by each church according to its needs.
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