one of the most noticeable changes which take place in the lives of those who have gained an understanding of Christian Science is the way in which they employ their time.
we approach the semiannual communion service in the Christian Science branch churches, we may well consider the deep meaning of sacrament, and be grateful for that higher understanding of Truth which is received through the study of Christian Science, and which enables us to drop the material symbols so long associated with this observance.
much better the world will be when all men measure achievement in terms of service rather than in terms of material gain! What wells of inspiration and joy are discovered by the individual who turns his thought toward ways and means of unselfishly doing for his fellow men as he would have them do for him! And the joy of serving those one loves may be even surpassed by serving those who seem to be one's enemies.
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
We can assure a certain doctor that time is not being wasted by Christian Scientists, as he is reported to have asserted in your issue of March 23, 1935.
Gordon W. Flower, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
Let me assure your correspondent that Christian Scientists believe in the Bible; and not only do they believe, but they demonstrate the truths contained therein.
J. Palmer Snelling, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
The editorial entitled "Mind Cure" in your issue of March 29, 1935, is very interesting and timely, in that it calls the attention of your readers to the great influence thought has upon the body—a subject to which many people have given all too little attention.
C. Shelton Agar, Committee on Publication for Natal, South Africa,
The statement by your correspondent that "Christian Science is not Christian, and not a science, but a fanciful woman's brain dream," and, "The Christian Science sect has not its origin from Christ but from the adversary of Christ," is not consistent with the experiences of those healed of sin and sickness through its teachings.
The continued friendliness of editors toward Christian Science is evidenced in the willingness of seventy-six newspapers in our state to print the Lesson-Sermon excerpts.
type of house commonly in use in Palestine in the time of Jesus was a one-story structure, with a flat roof which was often reached by stairs or steps on the outside of the house.
I have
in Mind a universe divineWhere things are golden thoughts, the myriad stringsThat make of heaven a mighty harp that singsThe song of Truth and Love, my bread and wine.
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