Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication

Quite recently the Bishop of Liverpool, speaking at a convention of two thousand clergy and church workers of various denominations to consider the question of divine healing, welcomed the convention as one of the many signs that the churches were becoming alive to one side of their divine commission which they had long neglected. Speaking at the same gathering, a well-known clergyman said that the reality of divine healing was beyond question.

At a meeting at Mansfield College, Oxford, Dr. Martin Jones is reported to have said: "I have never seen anything more dramatic than the complete change in the life of a woman through Christian Science. I have been amazed from a medical standpoint by people who have gone to Christian Science. This woman of whom I was thinking had gone completely wrong. She drank and she gambled. . . . After one Christian Science meeting that woman was completely changed. She remained a changed person, a happy, useful woman."

When it becomes known to me that a clergyman intends to deliver an address on Christian Science, a letter is sent to him, accompanied by some of our authorized literature, offering to supply any information which may be desired.

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Healing, a Primary Requirement
January 4, 1936

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