that marvelously spiritual and practical chapter of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" so well named "Footsteps of Truth," our inspired Leader, Mrs.
history of mankind is usually represented as the tale of a long and painful struggle against nature, in which generations of mortals have through the ages, and by slow degrees, adapted themselves to their material environment, in order in turn to modify it to their own advantage.
A student
of Christian Science, whose child was a Christian Science Sunday School pupil, one day sat wondering whether her child missed the so-called attractions provided for children in some of the Sunday schools of other denominations.
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
The editorial page of the Showmen's Trade Review recently carried an "Observation": "Seems as though Christian Scientists are the only ones not included in the present film decency drive.
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
Your correspondent's dictionary definition of reality as "something actually existing, not fictitious, genuine, true," is very helpful, and bears out entirely the Christian Science contention that disease is not real.
In Northern California over the radio one evening the announcer asked the question, "If you could save only three of the world's best books from destruction, which three would you choose to save?
Some years ago while under medical treatment for several ills of the flesh, I was very lovingly guided into accepting the great religion of Christian Science.
Although at our testimony meetings I have often given expression to the deep gratitude I feel for Christian Science, I have never taken the opportunity to write and tell of some of the beautiful healings and experiences I have had in the many years I have been studying this demonstrable and healing truth.
It is with heartfelt gratitude for the priceless privilege of being a student of Christian Science that I wish to testify to the efficacy of this Science in the treatment of a serious case of eye trouble.
My interest in Christian Science began when I was about thirteen years old, and I wish to express my gratitude for the innumerable blessings I have received through its teachings.
! for light saileth abroad on the wings of the morning;Awake! for life reigneth, and cometh with joy hand in hand;And with clarion voice, Truth speaketh of wisdom and warning,And love, over all, at the portals of heaven doth stand.
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