In a recent issue of the Post I noticed the report of an...

Evening Post

In a recent issue of the Post I noticed the report of an address in the course of which a doctor dealing with unorthodox healing agencies, amongst which he included Christian Science, is alleged to have remarked that "one feature all these unorthodox methods had in common, they utilized suggestion."

As far Christian Science is concerned this is incorrect, for suggestion in any form does not enter into the practice of this religion. Suggestion is merely the attempted employment of one set of carnal mind beliefs to suppress or overcome another set of carnal mind beliefs. In other words, suggestion is mesmerism, either self-mesmerism or applied mesmerism. Christian Science teaches, as Paul taught, that "the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be;" and it is therefore quite useless as a healing agent. Christ Jesus utilized the eternal, invariable law of God to perform his wonderful works, which involved the eradication of sin, disease, and death. This law, the scientific destruction of the belief in evil, in whatever form or shape, by the actual presence and demonstration of absolute good, God, is the law which was rediscovered by Mary Baker Eddy, and set forth by her in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." This law is free to all, and, just as the law of mathematics can be put into operation by anyone having an understanding of mathematics, so in proportion as individuals comprehend and order their living by this law of God, are they enabled to emulate in some degree the works of our Master, as he himself stated would be the case. This is very different from suggestion, and widely separates Christian Science from any other system of healing.

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January 5, 1935

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