Gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me...

Gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me prompts me to give this testimony.

When I was a young girl, my mother was sent to a distant city to see a Christian Science practitioner, and I was taken along. On our return home it was noticed by older members of our family that I had been healed of deafness and a nervous twitching of the right side of the body. Later, having married into a surgeon's family, I was not brought into association with any Christian Scientists until about fifteen years ago. I went to see a practitioner with two friends who thought they wanted to know something about Christian Science, and after conversing with the practitioner I was healed instantaneously of acute indigestion of long standing. This healing made me press on to learn more of this great truth. I attended church whenever I had an opportunity to do so, and many healings have been experienced, among them healings of sick headaches, which seemed to be periodical, arsenical poisoning, asthma, hay fever, constipation, and broken arches.

One healing in recent years, for which I am most grateful, was of a growth over one eye. I was compelled to go into the business world to carry on while a member of the family went to a foreign country for a year. A great sense of fear came over me, as I knew nothing about this kind of business, but I tried to know that there is only one business and that is God's. The work became very irksome at times, and I was required to use my eyes over very close work for many hours, and a growth was showing over the pupil of the left eye. I called for help from a practitioner, and almost instantly the growth disappeared and I continued in a very busy office. I shall never cease to thank our dear, brave Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for her great love to humanity in providing the Christian Science movement with the Reading Rooms. There was one just across the street from our office, and I spent my lunch hour there every noon; and each time I came out with renewed strength and courage, fed with the spiritual food provided there.

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Testimony of Healing
I have received so many blessings from Christian Science...
January 5, 1935

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