application of the teachings of Christian Science to the solving of problems incident to our work or employment, and to the meeting of daily needs, is entirely practical.
Christian Science one learns that sin, disease, sorrow, discord, and death are the outcome of the carnal or mortal mind claiming to manifest itself through the material senses; and further that, because this mental cause is neither of God nor sanctioned by Him, but is "enmity against God," as Paul said, it and its claims are illusive or unreal.
is but natural that the young Christian Scientist, confronted with the task of choosing a career or of selecting a life-work, should ask himself, Which way lies success?
Richard O. Shimer, former Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
As reported in your issue, a speaker, in a recent address on behalf of the medical doctor, made certain claims which, by implication at least, amounted to a criticism of Christian Scientists, who heal and have been healed without resort to so-called material remedies—often after the skill of the medical profession has failed.
Announcement is made of a brown leather carrying case with zipper closing to hold the Progress Edition of Science and Health and the corresponding Bible.
I was an invalid and a widow striving to earn my daily bread when, in 1901, I began attending Sunday morning services at a little Christian Science church next door, as I was not strong enough to walk to my own church, of which I had been a member since the age of fourteen.
When Christian Science was first presented to me eight years ago I was somewhat antagonized by the counsel of a practitioner who sent me this message: "Do not be content with half truths—have the whole truth, which is Christian Science.
It is with great joy that I give this testimony, though words are inadequate to express my gratitude for Christian Science, for our beloved Leader, and for the pracitioner who so lovingly and graciously helped me.
The outward character and conduct—the whole moral life with all its inward experiences and outward manifestations—its inward spirit and its outward influence, is but the outflowing or development of the silent thoughts, the secret feelings,.
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