My attention has been called to a sermon printed in your...

North Auckland Times

My attention has been called to a sermon printed in your paper on the subject of Christian Science, which contains so many misrepresentations both of its purpose and teaching, that I feel sure you will grant me space to make a few corrections.

In the first paragraph Christian Scientists are declared to be agnostics. It is impossible to conceive of a greater libel on Christian Science than this statement. According to a dictionary, an agnostic is defined as "one who professes ignorance of the existence of God, an unseen world, etc." On page 483 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, occur these words: "If any system honors God, it ought to receive aid, not opposition, from all thinking persons. And Christian Science does honor God as no other theory honors Him, and it does this in the way of His appointing, by doing many wonderful works through the divine name and nature."

The answer to the charge that Christian Science claims that the healing power which Christ Jesus and his disciples used was unknown until discovered by Mrs. Eddy, lies in the well-known fact that this healing power was utilized during the first three centuries after the ascension, but was afterwards lost, owing to the worldliness and materiality which permeated the Christian church, and has only recently been discovered, and by her made available for mankind.

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