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Nine years ago, having suffered from goiter for a year,...
Nine years ago, having suffered from goiter for a year, I found myself in a very sick condition. Three surgeons advised an immediate operation, but I refused to submit to that, for I did not believe I could go through it, as I was so depleted in strength, having had no natural sleep for many months. A friend presented Christian Science to me, and though I knew nothing about it I decided to try it. I visited a practitioner and received my first treatment. My surprise was very great when I learned that I need not take any medicine, nor, in fact, do anything except read the Bible and a book called "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Upon my return home I began to read and soon fell asleep. This was the first natural sleep I had had in many months, and it was about five hours later when I awoke feeling quite refreshed and much stronger. The lump in my throat had disappeared and I was happy, but afraid to tell my family. It seemed to me too good to be true. But now I know only the good is true. The following day I telephoned to the practitioner to give me an absent treatment. I wanted to be sure that I was completely healed. Then came to me the truth of the statement of the Psalmist, that God "healeth all thy diseases." I was ready at once to tell my family that I needed no more medicine or doctoring, for I had found and proved to my entire satisfaction that the only healer is God. The condition has never returned, and since that time every member of my family has had some healing in Christian Science.
For all the physical healings which we have had I am indeed grateful, but far above all is the great blessing of spiritual joy—even in the midst of seeming hardships—and as I listen for the "still small voice" of Truth I prove that God is "a very present help in trouble." My heart is filled with deepest gratitude for our revered Leader, who, through trials and self-denials, perceived the truth so clearly that she could reveal it in a most comprehensive manner to a sick and weary world.
(Mrs.) Carrie W. Zimmerman, Hamilton, Ohio.
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November 3, 1934 issue
View Issue-
Aspiration, Inspiration, Revelation
The Law of Healing
Protective Government
Peck Open Your Shells!
With the Monitor's Help
Affirmative versus Negative
The Call
Your issue of December 28 contains an article on Christian Science...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager for Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the February 23 issue of the Times-Union appears a...
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In the article in your issue for November, Christian Science...
Percy Hisson Tamm, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
While writing you a reply to the misleading letter in the...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
"Be not afraid"!
Duncan Sinclair
The Entireness of Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Bessie L. Bignall
With a grateful heart I should like to bear witness to...
Gertrud Ziemke
The truth of Christian Science was first proved to me...
Albertina C. Weis
I am very grateful for Christian Science, for the unumbered...
Shadrack Morse with contributions from Ada Morse
Nine years ago, having suffered from goiter for a year,...
Carrie W. Zimmerman
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Rosa M. Garner
I was sickly as a child, youth, and young man; I recall...
Victor E. Martin
It is with sincere gratitude that I add my testimony to...
Ernestine Shroth
I was a professional masseuse, and my first experience in...
Nanna B. Molen
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Edward Worcester, Bruce Brown, William Morris Davis, Torrance Phelps