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In January, 1933, I fell seriously ill with what is called...
In January, 1933, I fell seriously ill with what is called double pneumonia, accompanied by very high fever. I refused every medical help, but as my state grew worse, a doctor from a neighboring town was called in without my knowledge, according to the wish of my mother. He declared that all his help was useless, and gave to my dear ones no hope whatever for my recovery. My only hope was my strong faith in God, in His love and might. I asked that a telegram be sent to a Christian Science practitioner in Prague. The practitioner took up work for me, and after five weeks of her selfless and faithful work, during which many errors had to be overcome, I was completely healed.
Words fail to express my deep gratitude to God for Christian Science, for my healing, for the love of the practitioner, and of all the friends who in some way have helped me to gain the understanding that God is Life, Truth, and Love, and that the earth is full of His mercy. I am also very grateful for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and for her loving work.
(Miss) Anna Pavlikova, Budejovic, Czechoslovakia.
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November 3, 1934 issue
View Issue-
Aspiration, Inspiration, Revelation
The Law of Healing
Protective Government
Peck Open Your Shells!
With the Monitor's Help
Affirmative versus Negative
The Call
Your issue of December 28 contains an article on Christian Science...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager for Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In the February 23 issue of the Times-Union appears a...
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In the article in your issue for November, Christian Science...
Percy Hisson Tamm, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
While writing you a reply to the misleading letter in the...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
"Be not afraid"!
Duncan Sinclair
The Entireness of Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Bessie L. Bignall
With a grateful heart I should like to bear witness to...
Gertrud Ziemke
The truth of Christian Science was first proved to me...
Albertina C. Weis
I am very grateful for Christian Science, for the unumbered...
Shadrack Morse with contributions from Ada Morse
Nine years ago, having suffered from goiter for a year,...
Carrie W. Zimmerman
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Rosa M. Garner
I was sickly as a child, youth, and young man; I recall...
Victor E. Martin
It is with sincere gratitude that I add my testimony to...
Ernestine Shroth
I was a professional masseuse, and my first experience in...
Nanna B. Molen
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Edward Worcester, Bruce Brown, William Morris Davis, Torrance Phelps