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God, the Source of All Good
In these days there are many throughout the world who are feeling the pinch of poverty. Hard times have descended upon them. Work has been denied them with subsequent loss of means whereby to support themselves and those dependent upon them, and much mental and physical suffering has resulted. The Christian spirit, however, is alive, and through it a great deal of distress has been alleviated. Without this spirit dire must have been the lot of millions.
Often those who extend a helping hand to their fellow men in trouble do so spontaneously. They see the need and forthwith proceed to meet it so far as they can. They are happy to be able to do so out of the measure of their means; and this is commendable. Sometimes, however, assistance is given grudgingly, as if those who gave believed they were bestowing something which definitely was their own. What, then, actually occurs when people graciously help their fellow men in need? The question is worth considering for the reason that it takes us back to fundamentals; and the answer to it may aid in correcting the distinctly unscientific attitude of those who give reluctantly.
First of all, consider the relationship of God to man, a relationship which is absolute. God, Christian Science teaches, is the infinitely good Mind and the creator of all that in reality exists: He is the creator of man—His image. Being the image of God, man reflects all good—a statement of spiritual fact which transcends all mortal, finite considerations. Human conditions may seem to be difficult; hardships may appear to be in evidence; poverty may apparently be distressing many—but the truth remains that man reflects all good, and that he does so because of the unchangeable and perfect law of God.
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January 20, 1934 issue
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"Guided triumphantly"
The Real Wine
The Fulfillment of Good
The Freedom of Humility
Learning of the Continuity of Life
Spiritual Reflection
"Love currency"
Following the Model
Dear God, I Thank Thee
I notice in your issue of 24th ultimo a letter in which...
John H. O'Loughlin, former Committee on Publication for Northumberland, England,
In a sermon by a Bessemer minister, as reported by you,...
Leicester LeMont Jackson, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
In your issue of Nov. 13 a correspondent classifies Christian Science...
John W. Watkins, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
In your issue of October 15 appears a letter, the author...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
In a recent issue of your paper there appears a synopsis...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In an article the writer again couples Christian Science...
Conrad Bernhard, Jr., former Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
with contributions from Annie M. Knott, William R. Rathvon, George Wendell Adams, Charles E. Heitman, William P. McKenzie
God, the Source of All Good
Duncan Sinclair
Right Reliance
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Hans Knoll, Elmer L. Barker, Robert M. Teller, Richard Knox Lee, Genevieve W. Cunningham, Mary A. Haddow
I am one of the many who are happy to express gratitude...
Dulce V. M. Hebden
After continuous treatment by physicians, who finally...
Guy H. Newcomer with contributions from Miriam W. Newcomer
About twenty years ago I became rather impatient with...
Lutie V. Weeks
I have studied Christian Science for a period of about...
Hugh Martin Niemoeller
From my own experience I know that Truth is ever active...
Myra E. Buckles
It is over thirteen years since I took up the study of...
Catharine A. Smith with contributions from Harry Wilcox Smith
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for all the good...
Claudine McCoy with contributions from Rosslyn B. McCoy
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry N. Kost, Philip S. Watters