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Choosing the Good
Without doubt if any thinking person were told that in every situation and experience he has the privilege of making his choice of either good or evil, he would unhesitatingly announce that he would always choose good. Thus he would naturally choose peace instead of strife, health rather than sickness, happiness and joy in place of sadness and sorrow, activity and abundance instead of limitation and lack, confidence and courage rather than doubt and fear. Yet, all too frequently, the experience of mankind includes such a proportion of the undesirable and evil that men are prone to believe that they are not privileged to choose and experience only the good.
Christian Science offers the cheering message to mankind that by means of its precepts men may learn how scientifically to choose the good and reject the evil; and, furthermore, that by applying these precepts in practice the legitimate desire and hope for good inevitably results in an encouraging lessening of evil and discord, and an increase of the manifestation of good and harmony in individual experience. Christian Science teaches that the Bible contains the explanation and exposure of evil and also its remedy. As is depicted in the third chapter of Genesis, mankind has been taught to believe that evil is as veritable as good—that man can know both good and evil. And mankind's acceptance of this belief has engendered a fear of evil which has outweighed their trust in good, and has misdirected their sense of pleasure, so that allegiance to good has all too frequently been temporarily displaced by evil's allurement and enslavement.
In explaining this, Mrs. Eddy was led to write in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 481): "The forbidden fruit of knowledge, against which wisdom warns man, is the testimony of error, declaring existence to be at the mercy of death, and good and evil to be capable of commingling." Thus "the tree of knowledge of good and evil" may be said to be the material belief that evil is as real as good, and therefore that both evil and good can and should be known as realities. The acceptance of this false belief by mankind appears to give evil a foothold in human thought which results in the expression in human experience of fear, limitation, discord, disease, death, sin—of all phases of evil.
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March 11, 1933 issue
View Issue-
God's Coin and Currency
Freedom from Debt
We Can All Give
Joyous Expectancy of Good
The One Great Attainment
A Blessing for Everyone
My Father Called
A clergyman's column in your issue of October 5th contained...
Robson Storey, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
It is obvious that your correspondent, whose letter on...
John H. O'Loughlin, Committee on Publication for Northumberland, England,
Please allow me to make a correction and to add a helpful...
Mrs. Mary S. Cowan, Committee on Publication for the State of South Carolina,
What does Christian Science say to the question: What...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
An editorial in your issue of May 26 quotes from a neighboring...
Joseph G. Alden, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Steadfast Adherence to Truth
Duncan Sinclair
Choosing the Good
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Louise Screven Burton, Dorothy Eileen Heywood-Dove, Ober D. Hayward , Laure Romy, Henry N. Swanstrom, Georgia P. MacFarland
Many years ago a great sorrow came to me, and my five...
Jacoba Janze-Brugman
Having received so much benefit from testimonies read...
Mayme Boyd Wolfe
Words cannot express my great gratitude for an understanding...
Lurinda W. Turner
I am very happy to have the privilege of expressing...
Helen C. Dierks
Christian Science is bringing me so many blessings that I...
Noël Douglas Ridsdale
I should like to tell of my son's healing in Christian Science,...
Mary A. White with contributions from Frances M. White
I am grateful for all the blessings I have had through...
George B. Thibodeau
With great joy I wish to express my gratitude to Christian Science
Louise Berger with contributions from Charles Berger
Signs of the Times
with contributions from R. A. Young, Sidney Berry, Merle E. Fish