I am very glad to be able to give my testimony of the...

I am very glad to be able to give my testimony of the many healings and blessings that have come to me during the last eighteen years, since I took up Christian Science. Health, happiness, and joy have been my reward. Eighteen years ago, through a Christian Science practitioner, I was healed in three treatments of chronic rheumatism and other ailments which at times had kept me from my work and confined me to my room. Through the healing power of Christian Science these left me, to return no more.

I am indeed grateful to God; also to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. Through her spirituality and Christlike life she was able to open up the Scriptures and to write the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The testimonies given in the periodicals have been a wonderful help to me, as have also been the testimonies given at the Wednesday evening meetings. I am indeed grateful when I recall the many times I have attended these meetings and gone home spiritually uplifted and healed of discord.

Words are not enough to express my gratefulness for the many blessings I have thus received. I rejoice in the privilege of being a member of The Mother Church as well as of a branch church, and my sincere desire is that I may be able to help others as I have been helped. Christian Science is my comfort and my staff.

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Testimony of Healing
I had known of Christian Science for many years and...
February 25, 1933

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