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Christian Coöperation
The Bible definition of God as Love, voiced through the uplifted and spiritually enlightened thought of St. John, is accepted by Christian Science as basic to Christian doctrine and practice. Many Christian believers, before learning of Christian Science, had clung to a humanized concept of Deity, and coincidently had suffered from ills which they mistakenly believed had been visited upon them by God as punishment or for some inscrutable purpose. Some of these realized quick healings when they learned through Christian Science that God is Love, who, therefore, sends to His Children only that which expresses Him—that which is good, harmonious, pure, and perfect. Christian Science shows that the recognition and acceptance of the fact that God, the infinite Father-Mother of man, is Love, opens the door of thought to undreamed-of possibilities for development, opportunities for achievement, and obligations for joyous service.
The student of Christian Science early learns that the liberating law of Love demands his active cooperation to the end that Love's bounty and blessing may be realized. He sees that he must accept the fact that God is Love, and then must apply that truth in his daily thinking and living. The Christian Science rule governing this is simple and appealing, and when applied it is cumulative of great good. The premise of Christian Science teaching—that God is Mind, Love, Truth—leads to the conclusion that true ideas or thoughts are loving, good, and just. From this it follows that thoughts of evil, fear, injustice, selfishness, animality, are false. The teachings of Christ Jesus as to the nature of evil indicate that his thinking was directed and controlled in accord with this rule. He gave specific instruction, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." And he evidently regarded the reflection of Love as a requisite step toward the goal of perfection, for in almost the same breath he gave admonition to love our enemies, and to do good to them that are handled by hate.
Mrs. Eddy states this Christian demand clearly and definitely in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 202) in these words: "The scientific unity which exists between God and man must be wrought out in life-practice, and God's will must be universally done." Unselfish and consecrated service in Christian Science church activities affords ample opportunity for the reflection of Love's qualities such as gratitude, unselfishness, forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, and humility. Christian Science church work calls for Christian cooperation which springs from unity of purpose—the purpose to get in line with and support Mrs. Eddy's demonstrated plan, whereby mankind may be brought to know God aright. Indeed Christian Science church membership and service demand that "the scientific unity which exists between God and man" be exemplified in Christian and scientific unity of thought, aim, and action among church members.
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February 25, 1933 issue
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"I will listen"
The Shadow of a Rock
Law and Order
Public Affirmation
"Every event of our careers"
Sing Praises
A contributor in his letter to your paper of May 12 referred...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
I notice in your issue of Saturday an account of a religious...
Charles H. Parker, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
In Kvindelig Handelsstands Blad of September is reprinted...
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
Permit me space in your valuable columns to reply to a...
H. Ernest Vincent, former Committee on Publication for the Province of Natal, South Africa,
Christian Coöperation
W. Stuart Booth
"You will win"
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Michel C. Zederbaum, Leon D. Hansen, Ida Leber, Jay D. Dean
For several years I had worn glasses for sewing, watching...
Olive Pearl Kilgour
I should like to express my appreciation of Christian Science
Emily H. B. Walker
The testimonies in Der Herold have always been a great...
Sophie Kaufmann
I am very glad to be able to give my testimony of the...
Charles Freeman
I had known of Christian Science for many years and...
Grace McKee with contributions from Ernest B. McKee
During my early childhood my mother became interested...
Clinton H. Douglas
I know of no greater joy than to have been born of Christian Science...
Ruth Sawyer Curtis
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. Hampton, James Reid, Grenville Kleiser