that portion of the Sermon on the Mount called the Beatitudes, Jesus offered the disciples a foundation of meekness, righteousness, mercy, purity, peace, and comfort.
are told that the children of Israel, journeying to the promised land, wandered for forty years in the wilderness, and that they murmured against Moses, their divinely directed leader, and longed for the fleshpots of Egypt.
Christian Science
turns our gaze from the material body to the spiritual facts of being, pointing out that we should keep ourselves busy with right thinking.
sometimes hears the parents of a young child who is learning his school lessons remark with some pride, "Oh, he has such a good memory!" and the child may continue with increased self-confidence in the ability of this so-called "good memory.
scholars often wonder what they may bring to Sunday school; how they may help to bring out the active interest and joyous atmosphere so much appreciated by both teacher and pupil.
During the period covered by this report the first duty of Committees on Publication stated in our Manual, to correct impositions and injustices in publications, has been somewhat lessened, due to lack of newspaper articles needing correction.
man recorded in Scripture as lying by the pool of Bethesda looked to others to carry him into what were believed to be, at a certain season, healing waters.
fulfilling his Messianic mission Christ Jesus preached that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and he coincidently furnished verifying proofs thereof in his demonstrations over discord and evil.
It is natural for students of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy to become attached to the particular copies which have been their companions for a long time.
The Lord's Prayer, with its spiritual interpretation given in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, has been translated into the Swedish language and is now published in folder form, the English text facing the translation.
I am truly grateful for Christian Science, for the help it has given me, and for the testimonies that are published in our periodicals; and because of this I wish to express my gratitude in the same way.
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