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I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, for...
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, for I have had many wonderful proofs of its healing efficacy. My first healing was of nervous dyspepsia, after I had been told by medical doctors and by osteopaths that there was no cure for me.
Some time after this healing I met with a serious accident. I was caught beneath a structure of steel of considerable weight, in such a way that one spinal vertebra was crushed and several ribs were torn loose from the spine, and there were other serious injuries. When this weight was lifted from me I was allowed to fall several feet, but was immediately picked up and brought to the surface of the mine in which I was working. The company called a doctor, who upon making a hasty examination said there was nothing that could be done except to administer hypodermics to give me some relief from pain. All the while I was holding to the thought of God as the only Life and declaring that there could be no accidents in the realm of divine Mind. I was placed in an ambulance so that I could be taken to a friend's home, but on the way there we met the company's doctor. He directed that I be taken to his office so that he might examine me with the aid of an X-ray. After this examination he expressed the same opinion as the first doctor.
Then I was taken to my friend's home. By the time we reached there I had overcome the acute sense of fear. I remained there three days, and was then removed to my own home in another town. As this company was working under the Workman's Industrial Law I was required to submit to regular examinations by their doctors. After arriving home I was examined by three other doctors, who expressed the same opinion as had the first two. They said that if I lived I could never expect to walk again. I was then taken to a Chicago hospital, to a board of specialists. On arriving there I was again under the X-ray and pictures of the injury were made. Then eight doctors, with the aid of the X-ray pictures, made a thorough examination and told me that there was nothing they could do for me, and that they did not understand why I was living; that they did not think it possible for anyone to live with such an injury, and that anything they did would be in the nature of an experiment. Later, two of these doctors testified under oath that I was totally and permanently disabled, and I received an award in an Industrial Court for total and permanent disability.
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August 27, 1932 issue
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Standing Porter
"A new song"
Expressing Divine Principle
On Loving One's Neighbor
Right Progress
Be Not Deceived of Shadows!
Spiritual Ear-Training
In your article entitled "Faith," published in your September...
Hugh McTaggart,
As reported, a religious organization recently referred to...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida, in a correction read over Radio Station WJAX,
I should like to make some remarks with regard to references...
Nails A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
A Prayer
Expectancy of Good
Duncan Sinclair
"The horn of my salvation"
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Julia F. Cochrane, Vera Berg, Anna E. Redford, Ernest L. Buchanan, Ernest Roberts
In the year 1903 I was given up by four doctors in the...
Rhoda A. Morehead
About twenty-six years ago a Christian Scientist took...
Oscar Murray Hudson
It is both a duty and a privilege to send this word of...
Esther Harding Young
Any words of mine would indeed be inadequate to express...
Frances J. Darby
"It is more blessed to give than to receive," and the desire...
Madge C. Mitchell
Whenever I see the statement, "Man's extremity is...
Jennie A. Bernstein
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, for...
Joseph Franklin McCollum
Because I have received so much encouragement and help...
Muriel J.Morris
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for all...
Ruth M. Hadden
Signs of the Times
with contributions from George W. Wickersham, S. M. Berry, M. Selover, H. G. Hatch, Bennett