do Christian Scientists need to "stand porter at the door of thought," as our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has admonished us to do on <a class="tome-reference"
American poet gives us a picture of how selfishness and greed have stolen from men their right to rejoice in the fruits of their labor, and have deprived them of the ability to sing that is theirs.
recently read in our periodicals reports of the progress made by the Christian Science movement during the past year, may we not profitably turn in retrospect to the beginnings of that movement?
In your article entitled "Faith," published in your September issue, you make reference to Christian Science in a manner which shows you are misinformed as to its teachings.
The consecrated service rendered by the workers engaged in the distribution of Christian Science literature in counties where there are no Christian Science organizations; the faithful and devoted efforts of those who are carrying the message of Truth into the penal institutions, and the beautiful healing work resulting therefrom give assurance and irrefutable proof of a greater sense of unity, growth, and progress.
About twenty-six years ago a Christian Scientist took charge of our home, and to be courteous I frequently attended the services and lectures, and also read some of the periodicals, as well as the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
Any words of mine would indeed be inadequate to express my heartfelt gratitude for the spiritual understanding of the Bible which the study of Christian Science has given me.
"It is more blessed to give than to receive," and the desire to give prompts me to add my testimony of healing, that it may bring others confidence and assurance and that some weary one may know that the very disease he may have labored with long and seemingly in vain can be healed by Christian Science.
Because I have received so much encouragement and help from reading the testimonies in our periodicals I am giving this with the hope of helping others as I have been helped.
thou content with one step at a time And, seeing it, walk thou the way God leads;He will make plain the purpose of His plan; Doubt not that He will furnish all thy needs.
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