The growing conviction that I owe a great debt to God...

The growing conviction that I owe a great debt to God and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, urges me to express my deep sense of gratitude for Christian Science and for the many benefits and healings I have received therefrom. I first became interested in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy while reading this beautiful book to a member of my family. At the time I was suffering from cancer of the stomach. I had been operated on and had suffered much, but while reading I was unconsciously accepting the healing truth and gradually, but surely, was being healed. To-day I can say with a great sense of joy that I am free from all trace of this trouble.

At the time of which I write we were sheep-farming about fifty miles from Bloemfontein, in the Orange Free State, and had to meet many difficulties, among which were stock diseases, drought, and the locust pest. My sister, seeing the effect of Christian Science on me, also became an earnest student, and from then on we began to use the little understanding we had to meet our difficulties. During two periods of drought our stock were kept alive by the realization of God's power to maintain His ideas. Some neighbors lost many sheep, even though they moved their flocks to what seemed better pasture, while our flocks remained on our farms. We ceased to dose our sheep as a preventive against disease, and our losses were negligible as compared with the death rate on neighboring farms, where continual dosing was practiced. Sheep, horses, and cattle treated in Christian Science recovered from diseases that, from a material point of view, were considered fatal.

Further, we were privileged to witness a most convincing proof of the power of Truth to heal even those who have no understanding of divine Principle. A native, who for months had complained of severe pain, was sent to a doctor, who diagnosed his malady as a severe case of sciatica, which could be cured only by a three months' course of injections. This case was completely healed by Christian Science in a week. In due course other native servants asked for help, and later, when we sold our farms, all the natives living on them had ceased to use medicine.

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Testimony of Healing
My earliest recollection of my childhood is that of being...
August 8, 1931

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