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Gratitude is an acknowledgment of the existence of good and of good received. Gratitude plays an important part in the relations of human life. The one who expresses gratitude makes himself and his associates joyful, whereas the one who refuses to be grateful brings discontent to himself and displeasure to those with whom he comes in contact. From his own experience it must be apparent to everyone, who considers this human phase even casually, how much more pleasant it is to have dealings with the former than with the latter.
From this point of view thought has centered on human, on material experience. Now where does gratitude rank in the spiritual realm of Christian Science? As good a reply as any, if not the best, is to state that without learning to express gratitude the student of Christian Science can make little progress. The importance of being grateful is established for all time by the ministry of Jesus. Being grateful was an important part of his healing work. There are many specific cases of demonstration over so-called matter laws recorded in the four Gospels. We have no details in regard to the other healings that are mentioned only in a general way. In certain of these definitely described instances Jesus expressed thanks to the source of his power, God, before obtaining the visible manifestation of his healing work. Two of these were the feeding of the four thousand and the raising of Lazarus, who had been four days in the tomb. In the latter case Jesus said, "Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me." Not until after this expression of gratitude did he say, "Lazarus, come forth." This account is an invaluable key to the healing work in Christian Science. Jesus' gratitude here carries an absolute conviction in the existence and the healing power of good. His realization of Truth was heard, that is, made effective, and he was grateful. He knew this was so because there was no doubt at all in his thought of the reality of ever present spiritual harmony and the unreality of discord.
It is a long step from being a beginner in Christian Science to the perfection of Jesus the Christ—"unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ"—but this is no reason for discouragement. One does not become a skilled musician, scientist, or workman without making a small beginning. So it is with the growth of a Christian Scientist. The goal is the perfection of understanding attained by Jesus, and the march to that goal is the process of atonement so clearly explained by Mary Baker Eddy in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," where she writes (p. 18), "Atonement is the exemplification of man's unity with God, whereby man reflects divine Truth, Life, and Love."
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August 8, 1931 issue
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"Forgetting those things which are behind"
Holidays and Holy Days
A Light in the Desert
Employment and Supply
Real Wealth
Know Yourself
Della M. Whitney
Garden of Thought
The article on "The Power of Suggestion" in a recent...
George C. Eames, Committee on Publication for the State of Maine,
It is possible that a number of your readers may infer...
Caleb P. Francis, Committee on Publication for Shropshire, England,
I have read with interest your reports of the meetings at...
Mrs. Harriet J. Jewson, Committee on Publication for Norfolk, England,
Your issue of January 19 contains an article reprinted...
H. Ernest Vincent, Committee on Publication for the Province of Natal, South Africa,
In your issue of January 5 you print an article in which...
Richard O. Shimer, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
A Prayer for Compassion
"A Succourer of many"
Violet Ker Seymer
Our Inheritance
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from G. Florence Keeler, Gladys G. Pirkner, D. Spruance Hall, Anne H. Brogan, Mabel C. Pickering, Burton Wray Elgin, Louise Hurford Brown, Lorine F. Schneider, Max R. Wall, Norma Odele Newsom, Garabed Hovnanian
The growing conviction that I owe a great debt to God...
Hubert T. Back with contributions from Elma C. Napier
My earliest recollection of my childhood is that of being...
Jane H. Walker
While still a child I heard a great deal about a God of...
Lina Bohnenberger
Long before I was willing to study earnestly or even to...
Harland Edward Boyd
It is now ten years since I took up the study of Christian Science...
Josephine E. Young
Christian Science has been my only physician for the...
E. Elizabeth Stryker
I am filled with gratitude to God for Christian Science
Margarete Gross
Three years ago I sustained a very great loss; so severe...
Gwladys E. Cosens with contributions from Seneca
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. V. Webber, Howard A. Northacker, Josiah Sibley, Charles A. Buttrick