I am very grateful to God for leading me into Christian Science...

I am very grateful to God for leading me into Christian Science: it is the best thing that has come into my life. I have had many blessings and healings, among them being the overcoming of colds, sprained ankle, burns, and also the overcoming of the results of an automobile accident. Lost articles, also, have been found in a short time.

On one occasion an iron stove door became unfastened and fell across my foot, causing intense pain. I declared the truth of God's power and denied the error, and in ten or fifteen minutes the pain was gone; this was at noon. The remark was made that it might be five or six weeks before I would get over the effects; and at about three o'clock the foot commenced to ache again. I was unable to call for help, for we had no telephone. I tried to study the Bible and our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, but could not. I repeated frequently the Lord's Prayer, together with its spiritual interpretation as found in Science and Health (pp. 16, 17), also "the scientific statement of being" on page 468. I slept all night, and when I awoke I was healed.

I am very grateful that God is an ever present help in time of need; also grateful to Mrs. Eddy for Christian Science.—(Mrs.) Martha E. Gowdy, Ferndale, Washington.

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Testimony of Healing
When my little girl was two years old, she fell and hurt...
August 2, 1930

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