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True Experience
JUDGING from the evidence before the material senses, it may seem as though suffering and evil greatly overbalance the good in human experience. Even those instructed in Christian Science are sometimes given to murmur at what they consider the hardness of their lot.
For a certain Christian Scientist who had been tempted to believe that her lot was very hard, and that she was experiencing more than her share of tribulation, a great light broke with the perception that since man is spiritual his experience must be of like nature, for the spiritual, real man can experience only things of spiritual origin and nature, and therefore expressive of eternal good. Of great comfort to her was this realization, for it showed her the unreality and untruth of what she had been accepting as her grievous experience. It was then quickly and joyfully discerned that as God's child she was always experiencing pure, spiritual good, wherein there is no commingling with evil. It was further discerned that what had been regarded as her sorrowful experience was but a phase of the Adam-dream, concerning which our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, states (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 109), "All the way mortals are experiencing the Adam dream of mind in matter, the dream which is mortal and God-condemned and which is not the spiritual fact of being."
Thanks to the revelation of divine Science, we know that immortal man, the image and likeness of God, is conscious of something quite apart and entirely different from the Adam-dream of mortals. In reality, he is experiencing the scientific, eternal, satisfying facts of being. Here are no earthly woes, sufferings, discords, or hardships of any kind. Thus it is that the real man's experience is perpetually that of unlimited, inexhaustible spiritual good. In other words, spiritually good experiences are his continual and eternal heritage, and they include health, harmony, activity, freedom, perfection, infinite progression, inspiration, pure spirituality, contentment, everlasting joy, and eternal life.
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July 12, 1930 issue
View Issue-
From Faith to Understanding
On the Giving of Our First Fruits
Unchanging Man
True Experience
Seeking First the Kingdom of God
The True Standard
"Stretch forth thine hand"
My Song
The healing work of Christian Science is not by any...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
Christian Science and Coueism are not similar, as your...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
The medical director of the Life Extension Institute,...
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
In your issue of May 22, a writer, under the caption...
Miss Florence L. Carrington, Acting Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
Current Topics
Clifford P. Smith
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Louise Binney Smith, Florence V. Hawley, Mayme Ambrose, Grace M. Packer, Frederick W. Gourlay, Wilma M. Sage
After several years of ill health, with periods of suffering...
Lela M. Bolyard
I had heard of many wonderful healings through Christian Science...
Evylin Adele McCauley with contributions from W. Maurice McCauley
I wish to express my deepest gratitude for what Christian Science...
Florence M. A. Shaw
In 1910 I was operated upon for rupture
William A. Loheide
I have been healed through Christian Science of sickness...
Gerda Nordenstierna
My first attendance at a Christian Science Wednesday...
Myrtle R. Winter
The words "I am thy God 'with whom is no variableness,...
Dorothy Skinner
When a boy of fifteen I first heard the words "Christian Science."...
I took up the study of Christian Science when seeking...
Bessie Moore Garrett with contributions from Grace T. Dreinhofer
A Hymn
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Stanley Baldwin, Jan Christiaan Smuts, Raymond C. Knox, Horace W. McDavid, Newton E. Moats, Gilbert Thomas, Hornell Hart