the wisdom and the understanding born of divine revelation and of a glorified and ripened experience, Paul wrote these words: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
in Christian Science often speak with admiration of the willingness with which the members of Christian Science churches contribute to the needs of the movement.
sincere Christian people who are students of the Bible and profess to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus will readily agree with the statement that God is unchanging, and that the flight of years or the acts of men can never alter in the slightest degree the invariableness of the Almighty; but when asked if man is unchanging, they will emphatically declare that man is subject to constant change, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse conditions.
when the solution of a problem seemed to be very difficult, a student of Christian Science pondered whether, in overcoming human discord, be it called sin, sickness, lack, or death, our object primarily is to prove the allness of God, good, in order to extol our Father's glory and His love for all His children, or whether it is simply to make things easier for ourselves.
proverb, "Comparisons are odious," may have grown out of the tendency of men to compare themselves with one another or with standards that they themselves have set up, instead of looking to the standard set forth in the Bible.
proof through Christian Science that healings like those performed by Jesus are practical to-day makes a new kind of student of the Bible, a student intent on learning everything from it that will help him to go and do likewise.
a book of poems to-day,And then I said, I too will write a song,For I am likewise thrilled by lilting bird,And summer sky, and racing cloud, and feathery tree.
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
The healing work of Christian Science is not by any means confined to nervous disorders, but includes numerous cases of so-called incurable organic disease as well as functional.
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
Christian Science and Coueism are not similar, as your readers would probably infer from the mention of these subjects in the article entitled "Unhappiness Held Disease by New York Doctor," in the September 9 issue of your paper.
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
The medical director of the Life Extension Institute, whose notions concerning disease were quoted in an editorial of the Vindicator on August 8, evidently has a distorted impression of the teachings of Christian Science.
Miss Florence L. Carrington, Acting Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
In your issue of May 22, a writer, under the caption "From an Office Window," speaks of Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of the Christian Science movement, as a neurotic, and implies also that Christian Science is an emotional religion.
The Joint Special Services Committee of the four branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, in Washington, District of Columbia, reports the following activities in institutions of the District of Columbia, which are attributable to a steady growth in this work for many years, and which have brought hope, encouragement, and healing to many.
The Christian Scientists in Leningrad, Russia, although not now maintaining a religious organization as a branch of The Mother Church, nevertheless sent their greetings to the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
After several years of ill health, with periods of suffering which were always followed by days and sometimes weeks of extreme fatigue, I was advised by the attending physician that a surgical operation to remove a fibroid tumor would be necessary to prevent permanent invalidism.
Evylin Adele McCauley
with contributions from W. Maurice McCauley
I had heard of many wonderful healings through Christian Science treatment, but for a time I held the erroneous belief that this religion might help some people, but that it would not work for me.
The words "I am thy God 'with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning,'" came to me with such a degree of unfoldment and healing power, that I am constrained to tell of it as further evidence of God's loving, saving grace.
Father, Thou hast told usIn Thy sacred Book divine,That Thine arm doth e'er enfold us,That our lives are one with Thine;Yet, regardless of the tokenThat we all Thine image bear,Some believe that they are broken,Fallen, sinful, sick with fear.
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