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After several years of ill health, with periods of suffering...
After several years of ill health, with periods of suffering which were always followed by days and sometimes weeks of extreme fatigue, I was advised by the attending physician that a surgical operation to remove a fibroid tumor would be necessary to prevent permanent invalidism. With an overwhelming sense of fear and discouragement I reluctantly consented, at the same time praying for a gleam of light which would give me strength and courage to face the seemingly inevitable.
At this point a kind friend lent me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. After I had read the first few lines of the chapter on Prayer the pages seemed to be illumined. I continued reading long into the night, forgetting all but the beautiful message that those inspired pages revealed. The next day I sent for a Christian Science practitioner, who lovingly consented to give me treatment, at the same visit explaining the use of the Christian Science Quarterly in studying Science and Health in conjunction with the Bible.
The improvement in my condition was immediately noticeable, and my hope grew into a beautiful faith. With continued study there was unfolded to consciousness the understanding of God as Life, and this glimpse of things real and spiritual brought such a sense of joy and gratitude that I knew I had touched the hem of Christ's robe, and the healing was complete.
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July 12, 1930 issue
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From Faith to Understanding
On the Giving of Our First Fruits
Unchanging Man
True Experience
Seeking First the Kingdom of God
The True Standard
"Stretch forth thine hand"
My Song
The healing work of Christian Science is not by any...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
Christian Science and Coueism are not similar, as your...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
The medical director of the Life Extension Institute,...
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
In your issue of May 22, a writer, under the caption...
Miss Florence L. Carrington, Acting Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
Current Topics
Clifford P. Smith
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Louise Binney Smith, Florence V. Hawley, Mayme Ambrose, Grace M. Packer, Frederick W. Gourlay, Wilma M. Sage
After several years of ill health, with periods of suffering...
Lela M. Bolyard
I had heard of many wonderful healings through Christian Science...
Evylin Adele McCauley with contributions from W. Maurice McCauley
I wish to express my deepest gratitude for what Christian Science...
Florence M. A. Shaw
In 1910 I was operated upon for rupture
William A. Loheide
I have been healed through Christian Science of sickness...
Gerda Nordenstierna
My first attendance at a Christian Science Wednesday...
Myrtle R. Winter
The words "I am thy God 'with whom is no variableness,...
Dorothy Skinner
When a boy of fifteen I first heard the words "Christian Science."...
I took up the study of Christian Science when seeking...
Bessie Moore Garrett with contributions from Grace T. Dreinhofer
A Hymn
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Stanley Baldwin, Jan Christiaan Smuts, Raymond C. Knox, Horace W. McDavid, Newton E. Moats, Gilbert Thomas, Hornell Hart