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I had heard of many wonderful healings through Christian Science...
I had heard of many wonderful healings through Christian Science treatment, but for a time I held the erroneous belief that this religion might help some people, but that it would not work for me. I continued as an onlooker until Christian Science was brought to my notice by my future husband, a Christian Scientist. With his help I learned of the one Mind, divine Principle, the Father-Mother God, who is infinite Love to all His children. I attended the church services, and earnestly read all of Mrs. Eddy's books. I felt reclaimed, and determined to know the one and only God in the right way.
I became interested in Christian Science primarily for spiritual enlightenment. The logic of this new-old religion strongly appealed to me. Later, a testing time came. At the time of a serious attack of acute indigestion I turned to Christian Science whole-heartedly. My first call for help brought me an instantaneous healing. I then felt the power of the Christ, Truth, the same to-day as when practiced by Jesus centuries ago. I am happy over this healing, as I had suffered from this ailment for six years, being attacked acutely at intervals, and once almost fatally while on a trip away from home, when materia medica had been unable to help me.
I am so thankful I was led to Christian Science before the birth of our first child, for through its ministration the truth about God and man and their relationship was made manifest in a very harmonious birth. I felt so grateful for God's love. Later, at the birth of a second son, I shall never forget the exalted state of thought I was able to abide in. I was wonderfully protected, and the birth was practically painless. Since that time there have been many healings in our home. Ailments of childhood, such as whooping cough, measles, and ear trouble, have all been readily met. We can never cease to be grateful for the ever present Love guiding our every action. A few years ago my husband was attacked by paralysis, but this was beautifully met in a short time, and he was completely healed.
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July 12, 1930 issue
View Issue-
From Faith to Understanding
On the Giving of Our First Fruits
Unchanging Man
True Experience
Seeking First the Kingdom of God
The True Standard
"Stretch forth thine hand"
My Song
The healing work of Christian Science is not by any...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
Christian Science and Coueism are not similar, as your...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
The medical director of the Life Extension Institute,...
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
In your issue of May 22, a writer, under the caption...
Miss Florence L. Carrington, Acting Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
Current Topics
Clifford P. Smith
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Louise Binney Smith, Florence V. Hawley, Mayme Ambrose, Grace M. Packer, Frederick W. Gourlay, Wilma M. Sage
After several years of ill health, with periods of suffering...
Lela M. Bolyard
I had heard of many wonderful healings through Christian Science...
Evylin Adele McCauley with contributions from W. Maurice McCauley
I wish to express my deepest gratitude for what Christian Science...
Florence M. A. Shaw
In 1910 I was operated upon for rupture
William A. Loheide
I have been healed through Christian Science of sickness...
Gerda Nordenstierna
My first attendance at a Christian Science Wednesday...
Myrtle R. Winter
The words "I am thy God 'with whom is no variableness,...
Dorothy Skinner
When a boy of fifteen I first heard the words "Christian Science."...
I took up the study of Christian Science when seeking...
Bessie Moore Garrett with contributions from Grace T. Dreinhofer
A Hymn
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Stanley Baldwin, Jan Christiaan Smuts, Raymond C. Knox, Horace W. McDavid, Newton E. Moats, Gilbert Thomas, Hornell Hart