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It is over fourteen years since I began the study of...
It is over fourteen years since I began the study of Christian Science, and I hardly know where to begin to enumerate the blessings that have come to me and to my family through its study. Before coming into Christian Science I had been suffering for many years from nervous headache, stomach trouble, and many other ills that "flesh is heir to." The sincere efforts of my doctors gave me temporary relief, but I continually had to be on a diet. I reached the stage where a specialist said there was nothing that he could do for me, and that I would have to try to get along as best I could. In my extremity a friend told me that she had read a book called "the textbook of Christian Science," and she advised me to read it. I purchased this book, which I found to be "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I read it, but understood very little of what I was reading. However, I kept on studying, and, with the loving help of Christian Science practitioners, I thank God that I have been healed. Many faults of character have been corrected, enabling me to reflect more love and patience. For these blessings I can say in all sincerity that I am deeply grateful.
My husband also had a wonderful proof of the healing efficacy of Christian Science. He had a growth on his face that was to be removed by a surgical operation, which he was told would leave a scar for life. The fear of being disfigured prevented him from having the operation performed. I asked him to give Christian Science a trial. He did so, and to our great joy after two treatments he was permanently healed. This was over ten years ago. The healing was witnessed by many of the family who were not interested in Christian Science, and they called it a "miracle"; but to the divine Mind there are no miracles.
I am very grateful for membership in The Mother Church; and my heart goes out in gratitude to our beloved Leader for her consecration, courage, and love for mankind, in revealing to this age, through the Christian Science textbook and her other writings, the healing power of the ever present Christ, Truth.
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April 5, 1930 issue
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Refreshment by Prayer
"Felt ye the power of the Word?"
Fields Already White to Harvest
Ushers of Our Church
Glorifying God
The Real Man
God Meets Our Needs
I have read with interest the review of "Our New Religion,"...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Christian Science cannot properly be classed among...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
One cannot help regretting that your correspondents...
Mrs. Ann P. Hewitt, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
Our Debt to Paul
Clifford P. Smith
The Infinite Resources of God
Duncan Sinclair
Universal Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Sigrid Blytt
Christian Science has been a great help to me for over...
Daisy Annie Hudson
Our first healing in Christian Science was that of scarlet...
Philippine V. Holmes
It is with a sense of gratitude I give my testimony in the...
Theodore Mueller, Jessie H. Mueller
Each day finds me more grateful for Christian Science,...
Eleanor Woodruff Palmer
Having been healed of what doctors called "fibroid...
Hettie McNally
With a deep sense of gratitude for the many blessings I...
Kathryn Scott Dunbar
About twenty-two years ago Christian Science came into...
Christina Fritze
Signs of the Times
with contributions from F. W. Norwood, Francis B. Sayre, Charlie Stowe, Edger A. Lowther