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Item of Interest
The coatroom of The Mother Church has recently been equipped with a unique electrically controlled and operated checking device, built expressly to meet the needs for receiving and delivering garments at several windows. Brass posts connected by silk cords, erected in the foyer, serve to keep users of the coatroom in line as they approach the window to leave or receive their coats. The continuous belt conveyors, run by motors, carry hooks on which the incoming garments are hung as the checks are handed the owners. Quickly the garments are deposited in the basement check room, where the attendants remove them to stationary hangers numbered like the checks. There is a capacity for several hundred coats and hats.
At the close of the services those who avail themselves of the facilities of the coatroom approach the windows in line, and upon entering the inclosure deposit their check in a slot at the top of the outer brass post through which the check is carried to the lower check room. There it is picked up by the worker, who hangs the corresponding garment on the automatic conveyor which now runs in reverse order and conveys to the window above the coat or hat, in about the time required for its owner to proceed from the post where he dropped his check to the delivery window itself. The weight of the garment placed on the hook automatically controls the conveyor, causing it to stop at the proper level until the garment is removed. Checks will fit only the slot in the post at their respective windows.
Heretofore the coat elevators were raised and lowered by the coatroom workers from the lower to the upper floor, and vice versa, by means of pulleys, but the effort required is not now exacting and the operation is accomplished in shorter time. Two attendants can deliver one hundred coats in a little more than ten minutes.
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April 5, 1930 issue
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Refreshment by Prayer
"Felt ye the power of the Word?"
Fields Already White to Harvest
Ushers of Our Church
Glorifying God
The Real Man
God Meets Our Needs
I have read with interest the review of "Our New Religion,"...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Christian Science cannot properly be classed among...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
One cannot help regretting that your correspondents...
Mrs. Ann P. Hewitt, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
Our Debt to Paul
Clifford P. Smith
The Infinite Resources of God
Duncan Sinclair
Universal Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Sigrid Blytt
Christian Science has been a great help to me for over...
Daisy Annie Hudson
Our first healing in Christian Science was that of scarlet...
Philippine V. Holmes
It is with a sense of gratitude I give my testimony in the...
Theodore Mueller, Jessie H. Mueller
Each day finds me more grateful for Christian Science,...
Eleanor Woodruff Palmer
Having been healed of what doctors called "fibroid...
Hettie McNally
With a deep sense of gratitude for the many blessings I...
Kathryn Scott Dunbar
About twenty-two years ago Christian Science came into...
Christina Fritze
Signs of the Times
with contributions from F. W. Norwood, Francis B. Sayre, Charlie Stowe, Edger A. Lowther