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Christian Science has been a great help to me for over...
Christian Science has been a great help to me for over twenty years, but recently the joy of it has been more fully seen and appreciated. In June, 1927, I had the blessing of class instruction, and through it I saw more clearly the importance and necessity of the Christian Science organization. Especially do I remember the feeling of relief and peace which came to me with the understanding that the revelation of Christian Science is final. Unconsciously I had been thinking that something more advanced might be discovered to take its place; now I see how impossible that is. Also, I am glad to have gained at the same time a better sense of the Church Manual, which Mrs. Eddy in her wisdom and love gave as a means of protection and guidance for the great movement which she so unselfishly established, and by which I now realize we must be led, if we would be her loyal followers.
I am most grateful for the help I had in 1919 in finding a home when things seemed very difficult. It truly seems wonderful when one looks back and sees the things that have been accomplished, which, without Christian Science, would not have been attempted. But the way has opened out step by step, and it has been proved that, as Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 199), "The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible."
I have been healed through Christian Science treatment of a badly burned hand and wrist. It was not a quick healing, and the pain continued until I saw I must take my stand for the supremacy of Truth over material belief. After that it healed beautifully and has left no mark.
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April 5, 1930 issue
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Refreshment by Prayer
"Felt ye the power of the Word?"
Fields Already White to Harvest
Ushers of Our Church
Glorifying God
The Real Man
God Meets Our Needs
I have read with interest the review of "Our New Religion,"...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Christian Science cannot properly be classed among...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
One cannot help regretting that your correspondents...
Mrs. Ann P. Hewitt, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
Our Debt to Paul
Clifford P. Smith
The Infinite Resources of God
Duncan Sinclair
Universal Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Sigrid Blytt
Christian Science has been a great help to me for over...
Daisy Annie Hudson
Our first healing in Christian Science was that of scarlet...
Philippine V. Holmes
It is with a sense of gratitude I give my testimony in the...
Theodore Mueller, Jessie H. Mueller
Each day finds me more grateful for Christian Science,...
Eleanor Woodruff Palmer
Having been healed of what doctors called "fibroid...
Hettie McNally
With a deep sense of gratitude for the many blessings I...
Kathryn Scott Dunbar
About twenty-two years ago Christian Science came into...
Christina Fritze
Signs of the Times
with contributions from F. W. Norwood, Francis B. Sayre, Charlie Stowe, Edger A. Lowther