This testimony is given in loving gratitude for what...

This testimony is given in loving gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me.

After being under the care of physicians for many years, without any permanent help, I turned to Christian Science about twenty years ago. With the help of a practitioner I was healed of neuritis, headache, stomach trouble, heart trouble, and, two years later, of cancer of the breast. Since taking up this teaching, God has been my only physician.

Once, while traveling in the East, I was in an automobile accident and was thrown fifteen feet from the car on to the pavement. On trying to get up, I found I could not stand on my left foot. A message was sent to a Christian Science practitioner asking for help, and in a short time I was free from pain and fear. My shoulder was dislocated, several ribs and the pelvic bone were broken, and an ankle was sprained. After being laid up for about ten days, I was able to undertake a thousand-mile trip home on the train. I could not walk, but had the most loving help all the way home. After being in bed a few days I began to sit up, and was soon able to get around the house on crutches. In a few weeks I was able to discard the crutches; and I am happy to say I was perfectly healed through relying entirely on God.

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Testimony of Healing
We have depended upon Christian Science in our home...
November 29, 1930

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