Mary Baker Eddy christened her discovery of the Principle and rules governing man and the universe, she used the exact combination of words needed to characterize its universal meaning and mission.
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
The report of the sermon at the Brick Presbyterian Church, published in your issue of July 14, gives a wrong impression regarding Christian Science which I would appreciate space to correct.
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
The purpose of this letter, which I ask you kindly to publish, is to correct the erroneous reference to Christian Science in a sermon published in the columns of the News, dated November 1, in which the following statement is reported to have been made: "We may try to rock conscience to sleep or dope it with such nonsense as Christian Science when the thought of sin gets to be too troublesome; but down in our hearts we know that we are sinners; we know that our hands have not been clean, nor our hearts pure; we know that we have lifted up our souls unto vanity.
I am grateful for the healing artThat dawned upon me at despair's black brink,For grace that followed fast my change of heart,For each pure thought that came to me to linkMy consciousness with Mind's eternal might;For trials that purge away the cumbering drossAnd show Love watching through the darkling night,And Truth's triumphant crown beyond the cross.
belief in lack tempts us we should straightway acknowledge the completeness of the revelation of Christian Science and its demonstrable elucidation of the Master's mission.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
With the following testimony I wish to express my profound gratitude to God and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for all the blessings which have come to me.
When I first heard of Christian Science I ridiculed it; that is, I ridiculed what I thought it was, until someone I knew was healed by the application of its teachings.
Since I have known of Christian Science I have experienced so many wonderful proofs of God's protecting power, of His love and care, that I wish to express my gratitude.
A few years ago, when I first became interested in Christian Science, I had been under the constant care of a physician for about a year and a half and had undergone an operation, but without any improvement.
Louise M. Birchard
with contributions from F. D. Birchard
It was not on account of physical healing that I became interested in Christian Science: I was seeking for the truth which Jesus tells us "shall make you free.
May Rebecca Bond
with contributions from Emily Mogford Bond
Having received many blessings for the last eleven years from the teachings of Christian Science, I should like to express my gratitude through this channel provided by our beloved Leader, Mrs.
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