"Let us unite"

In Christian Science services on Sunday, as well as at the Wednesday evening testimony meetings, an invitation is given from the desk in words somewhat as follows: "Let us unite in silent prayer to be followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer." At the Sunday services the spiritual interpretation of the Lord's Prayer (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 16, 17) is repeated by the First Reader. This invitation is in accordance with the order of service as set forth by Mary Baker Eddy in the Manual of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.

As these words were listened to by a student their loving appeal and far-reaching spiritual significance arrested her attention, and with the aid of the Concordances to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and Mrs. Eddy's other writings, a most interesting and helpful study regarding unity ensued. As our Leader has so well expressed it (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 131), "Christian Scientists preserve unity, and so shadow forth the substance of our sublime faith, and the evidence of its being built upon the rock of divine oneness,—one faith, one God, one baptism." Do we always remember this as we come to our services or attend the business meetings of the church or society of which we are members? Do we always come with fresh inspiration and zeal, rejoicing that we are privileged to cooperate within the organization of The Mother Church? If we as yet attend only the services while awaiting church membership, do we realize that as we "unite in silent prayer" and live the spirit of the Lord's Prayer we are fitting ourselves, by growth in grace and understanding, for the further activities and responsibilities that such membership will bring? Are we realizing, as we sing the words of one of our hymns, "All one body we," that in order to demonstrate this unity we must loyally support the church officers and keep guard over our thoughts, entertaining no harmful criticism toward any fellow member? Are we grateful to the Readers, who consecrate their time and work to the service of the church, even though we may not have voted for their election? If so, we are contributing to the unity of our church.

In her God-inspired wisdom Mrs. Eddy has made clear to her students in "A Rule for Motives and Acts" (Manual, Art. VIII, Sect. 1) that "mere personal attachment" should not impel one's motives or acts. Therefore, in supporting the church we must ever be alert to the fact that we are united with Principle, not with persons. If in a certain instance we feel guided to speak or vote contrary to some others, a true sense of the unity of good will lift the whole matter above a sense of personality, and by adhering courageously and fearlessly to our best sense of divine Principle, God, we shall find that only a blessing can result to all concerned.

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"Consider the lilies"
October 4, 1930

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